Speakers - Chris Mills & Andrew Pearce
Welcome to our first CPD course for qualified and training family law supervisors. Appropriately, it’s the one that you asked for!
To be healthy, ethical and sustainable, supervision has to be founded on certain key principles. It’s part of the supervisor’s professional duty to ensure s/he fully understands the why and the how of these, and is confident about implementing them.
Some of these principles are clear and obvious - demonstrated in the style of your listening, for example, or in how you express empathy, curiosity and challenge. Others are more subtle, experienced through how you define and protect the ‘shape’ of supervision: the spacing and duration of sessions, arrangements for payment or cancellation, your availability between sessions. Putting all these elements together is what optimises the likelihood of supervision being a truly profound, trustworthy and developmental resource for your supervisees.
Key Learning Objectives
In the training Chris Mills and Andrew Pearce will be using the questions and concerns that you have already brought to us as the starting point for this fresh look at the building blocks of supervision. You will learn:
What the ‘trauma’ at the centre of trauma-informed practice really means, how to recognise it and how to respond to it;
How to spot a safeguarding issue in your supervision practice, and how and when to forward refer;
How to build secure boundaries as a supervisor, also when and under what circumstances you might extend or adjust those boundaries;
What to do with, and how to process, conflicts of interest or unexpected boundary issues that you and/or your supervisee may be confronted by;
How to tackle sensitive areas of difference that exist between you and your supervisee - such as age, level of experience, gender identity, class, sexual orientation, skin colour, values, spiritual beliefs, lifestyle;
What the essential foundations of a healthy and sustainable supervision practice are, and how to ensure they’re in place.
This course will be delivered in two parts over two non-consecutive days, scheduled several months apart. This is to enable skills and insights from Day 1 to be practised ‘out there’ and then reflected on with further input on Day 2. If demand is high enough, we will offer more than one option for the date on which Day 2 can be taken.
Current dates:
Day 1: 17th November 2023
Day 2: 22nd March 2024
We will deliver the training in a way that reflects the values and process of supervision, through open dialogue, reflection and sharing of experience.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Chris Mills is a psychotherapist, family consultant and supervisor. He believes that knowledge of what contributes to healthy and conscious relating provides the bedrock for excellence and success in the work of family law. Chris has been in continuous private practice as a psychotherapist since 1993, working with individuals and couples. Since 2006 he has also worked in interdisciplinary settings alongside family lawyers, attempting to improve the experience of divorce and supporting the healthy reshaping of post-divorce families. As a clinical supervisor, he is the first in the UK to offer psychologically-based supervision to family lawyers. He is the author of The Complete Guide to Divorced Parenting (Camedia Books, 2014) and a regular contributor to the Annalisa Barbieri column in the Guardian Family section.
Andrew Pearce is a Certified Trainer of NLP, UKCP Registered Psychotherapist with over 15 years experience and a Registered Supervisor. He also works as a personal and professional development coach often with senior managers & executives. With his broad spectrum of professional expertise and understanding, he works in a wide variety of areas (including public & private sectors), particularly facilitating change with individuals & groups. He is actively involved in Mediation, Critical Incident support and Collaborative Family Law. He has been interviewed on local & national radio and television on the subject of Life Balance and spoken at Oxford University & Newcastle MBA School about the impact of ambiguity & uncertainty on team dynamics and enabling resilience. His aim is to increase choice for individuals and teams who want the freedom to be authentically who they really are.
Standard Delegate Rates
The rate for this two day course is £450.00 + VAT if both days are booked at the same time.
If you are unsure whether you can attend the advertised date for the second day but still wish to attend the first day then is it possible to book each day separately by contacting us on 0330 1330 852 or email Please note that the price for each day, when booked separately, will be £250.00 +VAT per day.