ADELLE BALLANTYNE MA Relationship Therapy

Adelle is a member of the Shropshire and Black Country, Collaborative Pods
Based in Shropshire but working nationally and internationally.
She has experience in helping a wide variety of individuals, couples and families. My consultancy work with organisations includes contracts with hospitals, NHS Trust departments and corporate organisations.
During the past five years, Adelle has been providing seminars and workshops (Continuing Professional Development) for family solicitors, barristers, mediators and judges, examining relationship break-down from a Relationship Psychology view point and providing strategies and essential skills for improving outcomes with clients.
She offers education and therapeutic support for legal professionals in an effort to raise awareness of the effects of vicarious trauma and stress, in order to help improve mental health and wellbeing.
My work includes helping separating couples through the difficult process of divorce in a therapeutic way and by attending collaborative round table meetings with couples and their lawyers.
The main focus of the work is to enable the process of divorce to change in order that couples emerge with a more positive outlook. Limit the emotional damage to children caused by this process and most importantly, co-parent their children in the future.
Adelle has contributed to 101 Questions Answered About Separating With Children.
Contributed to and co-edited Parenting Through Separation a 40 page booklet produced by Resolution.
I speak at workshops, seminars and conferences. Have appeared as a guest on several podcasts and speak regularly on local radio.
Member British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)
Founder and Director Eleda Consultancy Limited
Member of Resolution, first for family law.
Chair of the Future of Family Practice Committee.
Co-chair of the Parenting After Parting committee.
Member of the Collaborative Working Party and Neutral Negotiation Committees.
All Committees are within Resolution. Adelle is the first Therapist member in Resolution’s history to chair a committee.