TELEPHONE:+44 (0) 330 1330 852 


Course Summary 
Day 6 of the Parenting Coordination training focuses on the family dynamics in divorce and separation. It considers the impact that divorce has and the implications for the Parenting Coordinator. 

Who is this course for / Who should attend? 

The course is suitable for all Family Law professionals who wish to learn more about family dynamics in divorce and separation. 
It is Day 6 of the 8 day Parenting Coordination training programme. 
To complete the training to become a Parenting Coordinator you will need to attend all 8 days. 
Please also note that if you wish to become a Parenting Coordinator you will ideally need to have been an accredited mediator for at least 3 years. However applications from qualified mediators with less experience may be considered by the course directors where supported by a CV and appropriate references. 

Key learning objectives 

Key learning points 

The impact divorce has on individuals and on family dynamics and the implications for the DR professional, 
Psychological research and theories applicable to interventions for high conflict families, 
How emotions impact on divorce issues and on a party’s ability to participate effectively in the PC process 
Sources of divorce/separation impasses, including parental behaviours associated with personality disorders and the related implications, 
How to promote awareness by the parties of the interests of persons affected by actual or potential agreements, who are not represented during the PC process 
o The impact of grandparents, step-parents and significant others on family systems and the PC process 
o Situations in which the participation of non-parties may be necessary in the PC process 
The psychological impact of separation and of domestic violence on child and adolescent development, 



09.00 - 09.30 
Registration and Coffee 
09.30 - 11.00 
First Session 
11.00 - 11.15 
Tea / Coffee Break 
11.15 - 12.45 
Second Session 
12.45 - 13.45 
13.45 - 15.15 
Third Session 
15.15 - 15.30 
Tea / Coffee Break 
15.30 - 17.00 
Final Session 

Standard Delegate Rates 

If being booked as a stand alone course this 1 day event will typically have a delegate rate of £250.00 + VAT 
However if you wish to book this as part of the the full 8 day Parenting Coordination training course in one go then the complete Parenting Coordination training course is £1,800.00 + VAT 
Discounts are also available for bookings of 3 delegates or more. For further information please contact 
In addition this course can be run as an in-house training session. Prices will depend on location and numbers of delegates attending. For a detailed proposal please contact us at